In our previous post, we ran through the some of the many ways we start and end rides but how we actually choose the route usually depends on the climbs we plan to ride. Or not ride, if we're planning a flatter route! In this article we'll cover some of the options available once we've reached our first decision point location, after leaving Ontinyent These are small towns and villages within 30-60mins of leaving Ontinyent. Just getting to these towns is normally a great ride in itself. .
1) Fontanars del Alforins We normally arrive after 15-20km from Ontinyent and have a range of options
Rolling route to Font de la Figuera and on to the Torre Talada climb into the Sierra Enguerra
Hard mountain climb of Port del Moro to just under 1000m and onto Beneixama, Biar, Villena and Banyeres de Mariola
Mostly downhill route to Mogente and Vallada
Flat ride on the Fontanars plateau to Villena and onto Pinoso, Castalla and Biar
Flat ride on the Fontanars plateau to Caudete
Flat ride through the Fontanars wineries
Gravel routes around Fontanars, La Safra and Mogente
Service routes to Almansa
Coffee or lunch stops in one of Fontanars fine cafes or restaurants
Long fast downhill back to Ontinyent

2) Summit of the Portixol Opens up the climbs available in the Serra Grossa mountains between Ontinyent and its neighbouring towns
12km descent down to Mogente
12km descent down to Aielo de Malferit
6.5km descent down to Vallada
9km descent back to Ontinyent
3) Mogente / Moixent We often stop for coffee here as it's either over half way back to Ontinyent or the start of a potentially much bigger day heading north.
Gentle climb of Port Bosquet de Mogente back to Ontinyent
Back roads to Vallada to tackle the brutally hard Alt del Campello towards Ontinyent
Long valley climb to Fontanars or Font de le Figuera
Climb the challenging Cumbres de Valencia towards the Sierra Enguerra
Coffee and lunch stops

4) Aielo de Malferit We rarely stop here, as it's often near the start or end of the ride. However, the centre square is very pretty, there are good cafes and the views of the Clariano river a few minutes away make for a nice place to relax in the sun.
Climb Port Paller to head back to Ontinyent, or onto Mogenta and Vallada
Climb to Port L'Olleria to head north towards Xativa, Anna and Enguerra
Head west towards L'Olleria, Montverner and lake Belus
Easy the back road spin to Ontnyent

4) Bocairent From the summit of the climb of Port Bocairent, we have a multitude of options depending on where else we plan to tide.
Cimb to Agres in the Serra Mariola and descend down to Muro d'Alcoy and to Beniarres, Vall de Gallinera, Port de Tudons, Alcoy etc
Climb Port Alt del Portell into the Serra Mariola National Park and onto climbs such as Font Roja, Carrequeta, Revolcat etc
Climb to Agres and carry on climbing towards Montcabrer, posssibly the hardest climb in the region, adding up to nearly 1000m of elevation gain out of Ontinyent.
Gentle Climb to Banyeres de Mariola and onto Beneixama, Biar or Villena
Climb to San Jaume Hermitage
Climb into Serra Agullent above Bocairent
Coffee stops in Bocairent
Fabulous descent back to to Ontinyent

5) Albaida There's a myriad of ways to arrive into Albaida and the options once there include
Take the Carricola valley to Salem and onto Gandia, Beniarres, L'Orcha, Villalonge, Vall de Gallinera etc
Ride to the Gandia beach
Gravel climb of Font Freda
Head to Lake Belus and Xativa on rolling roads
Take the valley roads to Belgida and Otos
Valley routes and main roads back to Ontinyent
Coffee and lunch stops in Carricola, Albaida and surrounding villages
Climb the Tumalet - yes, it is spelled with a U!

5) Muro d'Alcoy Serious decision can be made here, starting the serious decision for coffee and cake or heading onwards to some of the climbs close to Denia or south towards inland Alicante.
Ride to Planes, Vall de Gallinera and d'Ebo
Ride to Gandia beach
Ride to Aitana range, Alcoy, Gorga, Guadalest etc
Ride around or into the Serra Mariola, Cocentaina
6) Banyeres de Mariola More serious decisions to be made, including coffees or heading north, south or west to some of the classic climbs.
Flat ride west to Villena and Caudete
Head west to Biar and the Reconco, Xorret de Cati and Maigmo National park climbs
Head north to Fontanars via Beneixama
Head south to Font Roja, Puerto Canalis, Puerto Ibi, Carresqueta, Benifalim
Ride around or into the Serra Mariola National Park
